Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G13-Imp-Behav-Qual-Life_CANDuring periods when the size of a group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme in the USA exceeded the square root of one per cent of the national populations of the USA and Canada together, there was a significant improvement in a comprehensive quality of life index comprising behavioural variables (reduction in the total of homicides, suicides, motor vehicle fatalities, and cigarette consumption), controlling for changes in national economic trends, such as unemployment.Ref.Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association (Alexandria, Virginia: American Statistical Association): 38–43, 1996

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G12-Imp-Behav-Qual-Life_USADuring periods when the size of a group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme exceeded the square root of one per cent of the national population, there was a significant improvement in a comprehensive quality of life index comprising behavioural variables (reduction in the total of homicides, suicides, motor vehicle fatalities, deaths due to other accidents, notifiable diseases, alcohol consumption, and cigarette consumption), controlling for changes in national economic trends, such as unemployment.Ref.Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association (Alexandria, Virginia: American Statistical Association): 38–43, 1996

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G9-Decr-TF,-CR,-Unem-in-StTime series transfer function analysis indicated that monthly rates of traffic fatalities, crime, and unemployment decreased significantly after a large group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme was established at Maharishi International University (now Maharishi University of Management) in the state of Iowa, USA.Ref. Abstracts International 51(12): 6155B, 1991

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G8-Imp-Qual-Life-in-a-State-v1Quality of life improved in the State of Rhode Island, in comparison to a control state, during periods in which groups of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme were established. Quality of life was measured by improvement in a comprehensive index that includes crime, auto accidents, motor vehicle fatalities, deaths due to other causes, alcoholic beverage consumption, cigarette consumption, unemployment, and pollution.Ref.The Journal of Mind and Behavior  8: 67–104, 1987


B7-Decr-Desire-to-Chg-Jobs-v1跟對照組比較,42 個員工被教授超覺靜坐技術後,轉換工作的期望減低了。 註.《管理學院期刊》Academy of Management Journal 17: 362-368, 1974