Study 4: Decrease in number of car accidents and suicides in 1% cities

This study compared 24 cities where 1% of the population had learned the Transcendental Meditation technique, and compared these to control cities chosen by an independent researcher based on their similar demographic variables (number of citizens, number of students, average income, average level of education, etc.). In these 24 studies an earlier study had already noticed a decrease in crime rates, but considering that the prediction was that all negative trends in society would reduce as soon as 1% of the population would start practicing the TM technique, further research was carried out on two other trends, the number of suicides and the number of car accidents. The statistics for both were requested from the relevant government departments and compared over a period of 10 years and 5 years before 1% of the population in the 24 cities had learned the TM technique (in 1972) and 5 years later.

The statistics showed that the trends for 1972 were the same in both the control and 1% cities. During the subsequent 5 years, the control cities followed the same trend of ever increasing numbers, but in the 1% cities the number of car accidents and suicides decreased significantly (p<.001 voor beide).Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation, Collected papers. vol. 4, 317, pp 2479-2486


E14-Improv-Reaction-Time跟對照組學生比較,練習超覺靜坐技術和TM 悉諦課程的大學生顯示提高了選擇回應時間。(p<.0001)註.《個性和個體差異》Personality and Individual Differences 12: 1105–1116, 1991


H21-More-Effective-info-pro-v1與同樣年齡的對照組比較,練習超覺靜坐技術的老年人在面對視覺刺激時,大腦反應更快「P300 反應 ,較短的潛伏期」。隨着年齡的增長,這種大腦反應一般會減緩,這項研究成果意味着通過規律的超覺靜坐練習,年齡的老化過程被逆轉了。註.《心理生理學》Psychophysiology 26: S29 (Abstract), 1989


在 對147 位 長期進行超覺靜坐和超覺靜坐悉諦靜坐者(平均有 9 年靜坐經驗)的研究當中,發現練習超覺靜坐的時間和研究得分有相關的聯繫。研究項目是:視覺記憶,非言語智力,創造力,場獨立性,反應速度,感覺速度,以及運動速度。練習超覺靜坐和超覺靜坐悉諦技術越久,得分越高。這證明超覺靜坐對所有以上大腦功能有正面影響。註.《瑪哈禮希超覺靜坐的科學研究》Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation, , Collected Papers Vol 3, 257, pp 1954-1966


D3-Attn-to-Details_Cadets 在這項研究中,軍校學員必須在大規模的參考中,以最快的速度找到指定的參考。練習超覺靜坐的軍校學員的速度測試顯示他們的能力提高了。 註.《‘介紹預防壓力課程的項目—超覺靜坐’. 工作人員研究中心, 教育和研究部門, 軍隊部門, 巴西》’Project for introduction of a programme for prevention of stress — Transcendental Meditation’ Centre for Personnel Studies, Department of Teaching and Research, Ministry of the Army, Brazil