
E8-Improved-Memory隨機分配對照組學生被指示一天 2 次閉上眼睛坐着。僅僅40 天后,和對照組學生比較,練習超覺靜坐技術的大學生顯示短期記憶力的聚集力提高了,這表示思維過程組織能力改進了。(p<.001)註.《超覺靜坐課程的科學研究》Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Programme: Collected Papers, Volume 1: 385–392, 1977

Better memory among students at military academy

D4-Mem-of-Detail-CadetsCadets at a military academy that learned Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation technique showed an increased ability to report specific details of scenes shown to them earlier. (p<.00001)Ref.‘Project for introduction of a programme for prevention of stress—Transcendental Meditation’. Centre for Personnel Studies, Department of Teaching and Research, Ministry of the Army, Brazil


在 對147 位 長期進行超覺靜坐和超覺靜坐悉諦靜坐者(平均有 9 年靜坐經驗)的研究當中,發現練習超覺靜坐的時間和研究得分有相關的聯繫。研究項目是:視覺記憶,非言語智力,創造力,場獨立性,反應速度,感覺速度,以及運動速度。練習超覺靜坐和超覺靜坐悉諦技術越久,得分越高。這證明超覺靜坐對所有以上大腦功能有正面影響。註.《瑪哈禮希超覺靜坐的科學研究》Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation, , Collected Papers Vol 3, 257, pp 1954-1966