Study 1: 1% effect in 11 cities in the U.S.

In 1972 there were a number of cities in the U.S. where 1% of the population had learned the Transcendental Meditation technique. For 11 such cities another nearby city was chosen with comparable demographic variables (geographic location, population and student population) where TM had not yet been learned by 1%. These served as the control cities. Then crime statistics were requested from the FBI and compared.

The statistics showed that in the 1% cities (full line) a significant decrease occurred in crime from 1972, both compared to earlier trends in the same city, and compared to the control cities (dotted line). There was a decrease in the number of crimes of 16.5% (p<.001). Compared to overall crime trends in the U.S. the decrease was even greater, 18%.

However, it turned out that this study wasn’t perfect, as a change in crime trends in the 11 cities with 1% TM practitioners could already be seen starting 1971 (crime stopped increasing in 1971 and starts decreasing from 1972).

However, when you look at more detailed crime statistics for the 11 cities, you’ll find that in quite a few cities sufficient TM practitioners lived in the cities in 1971 already to make up 1% of the population (line full as soon as 1% threshold is reached). This meant that the average of the 11 cities no longer increased from 1971 to 1972. This therefore appears to be extra confirmation of the effect. As soon as the 1% threshold is reached, crime will decrease.

The full study is published in: Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendetental Meditation Vol. 1, 98, pp 639-648

Study 2: Decrease in crime in Cleveland, U.S.

In four suburbs in Cleveland where 1% of the population had learned TM, a significant correlation between the number of TM practitioners and a decrease in the number of crimes during 3 consecutive periods was studied (1973-74 r = -.81, p<.001, 1975 r = -.42, p<.01 and the first half of 1976 r = -.78, p<.001).Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation, Collected Papers Vol. 2, 166. pp. 1199-1204

Study 4: Decrease in number of car accidents and suicides in 1% cities

This study compared 24 cities where 1% of the population had learned the Transcendental Meditation technique, and compared these to control cities chosen by an independent researcher based on their similar demographic variables (number of citizens, number of students, average income, average level of education, etc.). In these 24 studies an earlier study had already noticed a decrease in crime rates, but considering that the prediction was that all negative trends in society would reduce as soon as 1% of the population would start practicing the TM technique, further research was carried out on two other trends, the number of suicides and the number of car accidents. The statistics for both were requested from the relevant government departments and compared over a period of 10 years and 5 years before 1% of the population in the 24 cities had learned the TM technique (in 1972) and 5 years later.

The statistics showed that the trends for 1972 were the same in both the control and 1% cities. During the subsequent 5 years, the control cities followed the same trend of ever increasing numbers, but in the 1% cities the number of car accidents and suicides decreased significantly (p<.001 voor beide).Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation, Collected papers. vol. 4, 317, pp 2479-2486

Study 5: 30% decrease in crime in 3 Kansas City suburbs

The crime rates in three Kansas City suburbs, where the threshold of 1% of TM practitioners was reached in 1975, was over the subsequent 2 years compared to numbers of the area around Kansas City, and more specifically to all suburbs in the same area, with more comparable demographic variables. Compared to the entire region, crime dropped by 30% (p<.001), compared to cities in the area the decrease was even 36,3% (p<.001).Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation, Collected Papers vol. 4, 319, pp. 2496-2514

Study 6: Correlation between the number of TM practitioners and crime decrease in 160 cities

This large scale study was done to find statistical prove that the TM 1% effect is the actual cause of crime decreases observed. A “cross-lagged panel correlation” (CLPC) was carried out across 160 randomly selected cities, a study measuring cause and effect, and asking the question how strong cause (high percentage of TM practitioners) and effect (crime decrease) were correlated, and whether an effect can be detected in the absence of the cause, or a cause without effect. This study showed a significant causative correlation between the percentage of TM practitioners and crime decrease. The study was later repeated across 80 larger cities, with the same result.Ref.Journal of Mind and Behavior, vol. 8, 1987, pp. 67-104

Study 7: Prospective 1% effect study in Lebanon

In order to test the kind of effect achieved through the 1% TM effect in a real war situation, a village with around 10.000 inhabitants was selected in Lebanon at the time of the civil war (1980), and it was declared up front that violence would decrease in this village, compared to other villages in the same region with the same demographic variables. Transcendental Meditation teachers started teaching the TM technique to locals in the village, without explaining the actual purpose of the study. They only spoke of personal advantages of the technique. As soon as the 1% threshold was reached, in the summer of 1982, people looked at the number of “shells” fired (grenades and mortars), the number of deaths and the number of injured over a period of 2 years. As the source for their data they took the largest, most objective newspaper in Lebanon.

Spring had always been the time of year where most fights occurred. Prior to reaching 1%, 45 mortars were fired in the village in the spring of 1979, 50 in 1980, 1705 in 1981 and 353 in 1982. In the spring of 1983, when 1% of the village had learned TM, not a single mortar or grenade was fired (p<.00001). During the subsequent 2 years not a single death occurred in the village (Baskinta) (p<.005), not a single injury (p<.005), and not a single case of damage to housing (p<.005) as a result of war violence. In the 4 control cities, less than 20 km away from this village, violence increased in the 2 years after the summer of 1982, in comparison to the previous 4 years.Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation, Collected Papers vol. 4, No. 331 pp. 2623-2633

Study 12: Decrease of crime in New Delhi, India

From November 1980 to April 1981 an assembly of Yogic Flyers took place, large enough to influence all 6 million inhabitants of New Delhi (245 Yogic Flyers were required, in line with the formula of the square root of 1%). Crime statistics were requested from local police offices to study whether a change occurred in the number of crimes, as predicted in advance. During the 5 months of the experiment the number of crimes decreased by 11% (p<.0001, what is a p-value?) Statistics of the previous 5 years showed a maximum decrease of 1% during the same period. Possible alternative explanations were sought, but not found.Ref.The Journal of Mind and Behavior  8: 67–104, 1987, Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation, Collected Papers vol. 4, no. 326, pp 2583-2588

Study 17: Decrease in crime in Puerto Rico due to Yogic Flying

In 1984 there was an opportunity for an experiment in Puerto Rico. 185 Yogic Flyers, enough to create an influence for all 3.4 million inhabitants of Puerto Rico, were trained at a local Transcendental Meditation academy, and continued to practice their TM, TM sidhi programme and Yogic Flying together from April to July 1984, although in May they only had 80% of the minimum number, and in June 60%. An analysis of crime statistics nevertheless showed a significant decrease in crime numbers for the entire country, starting in April (p<.025), and an increase again starting July (p<.025).Ref.The Journal of Mind and Behavior  8: 67–104, 1987Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation, Collected Papers Vol. 4, no. 334, pp. 2679-2687

Study 18: Improved quality of life in Israel and reduced violence in Lebanon

Of all the studies on the Maharishi effect, this might be the most impressive one. This study was possible thanks to the generous contribution of William Ellinghaus, at the time general director of the telecom giant AT&T.

A group of scientists organised a prospective study during the summer of 1983 in Jerusalem. According to the formula, square root of 1% of the population, 65 Yogic Flyers would be required to create an influence for Jerusalem, 121 for all of Israel, and 192 for Israel and Lebanon together.

Predictions were recorded by an independent group of scientists: If the group of Yogic Flyers was big enough, the following measurable effects would occur:

In Jerusalem
1. Crime: Decrease in the total number of crimes per day. Source: Social Department Research of the Israeli police.
2. Car accidents: Decrease in the total number a day with personal injuries. Source: municipal authorities of Jerusalem
3. Fires: Decrease in the total number of incidents to which the fire services had to respond during the day. Source: municipal authorities of Jerusalem
In Israel
4. Crime: Decrease in the number of crimes per day (with the exception of Jerusalem), Source: Israeli police
5. Financial markets: Increase for Tel Aviv Stock Exchange shares
6. National mood: Better affective tone of the most prominent story (picture story on the front page) of the Jerusalem Post, according to an independent score of 1 (very negative, unpleasant) to 7 (very positive, optimistic). Scores were blind and used the average scores of two different judges independent from the project (Israeli students)
7. War victims: Decrease in the number of military and civil victims as a result of the Lebanon conflict, as reported in the major daily Israeli newspapers, the International Herald Tribune and the BBC World Service.
8. War intensity: Improvement in the scale of the intensity in the hostilities in Lebanon every day, as reported in news stories in the Jerusalem Post. The 5 point scale varied from 0 (no reports of fights) to 4 (full war). The rating was blind in relation to data and incidents and the analysis used the average of three independent judges that were unaware of the purpose of the experiment.

The purpose of the experiment was to create a constant group of 200 participants over a period of the two months of the experiment from 1 August to 30 September 1981, but because the group of Yogic Flyers consisted entirely of volunteers, this was practically impossible. Some could only stay for a few weeks before they returned to work or study. As a result, the number of Yogic Flyers fluctuated over the 8 weeks of the study. Here is a graph of the number of Yogic Flyers (MTUF stands for the Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field).

However, the fluctuations didn’t prove to be too much of a challenge for the researchers. Considering the daily data available to them on all 8 variables, they were also able to create a daily graph of how these fluctuated, and consider whether they were able to make a statistical correlation between the number of Yogic Flyers and the 8 variables under scrutiny. All eight were brought together into one index in line with acceptable statistical methods, and the index was then plotted over the 60 days of the study. When the scientists saw the study they almost fell off their chairs. No statistic was required at all to calculate the correlation, the overlap was so clear that anyone could see it with their own eyes (r = -.57 p<.0001).

Normally, if one were to plot the fluctuations of 8 different, uncorrelated variables, the graph should look quite flat, as random fluctuations normally cancel. Not a single investor with a sound mind would base his purchase decision on the number of fires in Jerusalem. If these 8 could fluctuate so strongly (fluctuations of -3 to +3 standard deviations are very exceptional, in particular if there are 8 independent variables simultaneously) then there had to be something influencing all 8 together.

It is like someone turning the knob on a light dimmer and witnessing, full of surprise, the light increase and decrease. Instead of the light, we were witnessing the quality of the unified field at the source of everyone’s thoughts in Israel and Lebanon (see qualities unified field), that ultimately all came down to unity and positivity. That same source created more optimism among investors on the stock exchange, a stronger feeling of connectedness with fellow human beings on the war fields in Lebanon, causing a reduction in violence and fewer war victims (from an average of 24.5 deaths a day to 1.5 on days where there were enough flyers to influence Lebanon). That same source also created more optimism in newspapers, and more harmony and order in society, causing less accidents.

This study was so impressive, especially because the data all came from fully objective sources, that it resulted in one of the most prestigious publications to date, in the Journal of Conflict Resolution, vol. 32, no.4, Dec 1988, pp. 776-812. The process to get published nevertheless took 2 years, and the editor of the journal wrote the following note:

“The following article presents and tests a hypothesis that will strike most readers (myself included) as, to say the least, unorthodox…Yet the hypothesis seems logically derived from the initial premises, and its empirical testing seems competently executed. These are the standards to which manuscripts submitted for publication in this journal are normally submitted.”

Study 18: Decrease in crime and deaths in Manila, Philippines

In December 1979 a business man in Manila decided to create a group of Yogic Flyers among the employees of his company. As part of their working hours, employees could practice TM, the TM sidhi programme and Yogic Flying in the morning and evening. It was then decided to organise a new experiment, with predictions up front that crime and deaths would decrease significantly both in Manila and the Philippines as a whole. The number of Yogic Flyers taking part in the experiment was 400, which was more than what was required for Manila alone (300) but less than required for all of the Philippines (750). It was therefore decided to make an index with numbers for both.

What was interesting about this experiment was that the group was formed spontaneously in December 1979, but that, due to circumstances, several employees had to leave the location, causing the group to shrink over the following 2 years, until only about half remained at the end of the study in December 1981. When the numbers of the Index were studied, a significant decrease in the number of crimes and deaths showed in December 1979 (p<.025), followed by a gradual increase until December 1981, which seemed to quite precisely follow the number of Yogic Flyers (p<.001).Ref.The Journal of Mind and Behavior  8: 67–104, 1987,Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation, Collected Papers vol. 5, no. 401, pp. 3151-3171

Study 19: Decrease in crime in Manila, Philippines (1984)

In 1984 the government organised a large-scale project to bring Transcendental Meditation to different schools and prisons in the Philippines. 1500 Transcendental Meditation teachers (that had also followed TM sidhi and Yogic Flying training) traveled to the Philippines to take part in the project, and this was a good opportunity for a new experiment. The Yogic Flyers were spread out over the country and there was no opportunity to create one group large enough to influence all of the Philippines. However, the group was large enough to influence Manila. It was therefore predicted beforehand that crime in Manila would decrease in the experimental period of 17 August 1984 to 24 January 1985, 114 weeks in total. According to the Time Series Analysis of data of the local police, crime during those 114 weeks decreased by 12,1% percent (p<.005).

This study, along with earlier studies in Manila, New Delhi, Puerto Rico and Rhode Island, was accepted for publication in 1987 in The journal of Mind and Behaviour. Each of these 5 studies demonstrated an exceptional effect on crime, each time predicted up front, in 4 completely different areas around the world. The combined chance of such exceptional decrease in crime occurring 5 times by coincidence was smaller than one in one million (p<.000001). The editor of the journal placed the following note in the publication:

“I Decided to publish. The theory being proposed was a complete departure from the norm in either psychology or sociology, but this was a study well-done. The statistical evidence was persuasive. What I had to consider is that judging new ideas in any scientific field is an extremely delicate task. On the one hand, you never want to propound errors. On the other hand, you need to keep the field open for innovation and progress. I’m afraid that many times, new ideas don’t lose out on their merits. They lose out because established people in the field don’t want to see their power eroded by new ideas which threaten their expertise and authority. In any event, Michael Dillbeck [the author of the study] had written a strong paper with solid evidence. I didn’t see how I could deny that paper publication.” 

Study 33: Crime decrease in Merseyside, England

In 1988 Merseyside, a city of 1.5 million, was the most criminal metropolis in England. So when a group of Yogic Flyers in March of that year predicted on television that they were going to decrease crime significantly, not a lot of people took them serious. A few hundred Yogic Flyers had formed a small community in the town of Skelmersdale, nearby Merseyside. The intention was to live together and to practice TM, TM Sidhi and Yogic Flying together.

In March 1988 they had built a hall allowing them to do this, and the group had grown to 120 regular Yogic Flyers, theoretically large enough to create an influence for all of Merseyside. All these Yogic Flyers were normal everyday people, with their own jobs and households, but twice a day, before and after work, they would come together to create the influence, for themselves and their environment.

The graph of the number of crimes over the next 5 years looks as follows.

In contrast to the increasing crime trends in both the large metropolis cities in England and in general, the number of crimes in Merseyside decreased significantly (p<.00006). After 5 years Mersey had the lowest crime rate in all of England. Crime had decreased by 45% as compared to its own trends, and by 60% as compared to national trends. Merseyside was the only metropolis where crime decreased.

Other factors also started improving. The number of suicides decreased to the lowest overall in all of England, and other violent or accidental deaths by 1992 was the second lowest of all metropolis districts. In 1985, only 40% of all visitors went to Merseyside for pleasure, by 1990 this had increased to 80%.

The economy in Merseyside also drastically improved. Whereas the metropolis previously had only known decrease, in the early 1990s it became the model for economic advancement. In 1995 an article was published in a prominent newspaper, the Daily Mail, with the title: “Merseyside is my heaven on earth”.

Researchers calculated that the Yogic Flyers had prevented a total of 255.000 crimes. The average cost per crime was estimated at £5000 (not taking into account human suffering), which therefore implied a total saving for the government of £

For every hour that a Yogic Flyer did his thing, this implied savings for the local government of £3000. Even if the Yogic Flyers were paid a respectable salary of £30 an hour, the total cost would still be 99% lower than the current cost of tackling crime, while clearly being a lot more efficient.

This is an example of what is possible in terms of costs savings for the government, but given the exponential growth of the effect of the number of Yogic Flyers, not the best example. This was only a group of 120 Yogic Flyers. A group 10 times as big could influence 100 times more people, as some studies have shown. This means that the cost per created influence is 10 times lower.Ref.Journal of Psychology, Crime & Law (1996, vol. 2, pp. 165-174)Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation, Collected Papers vol 6, 488, pp 4079-4085


R22-Improved-Behavior-after-Release一篇哈佛大學的博士論文顯示,跟其他 4 所監獄的隨機對照組比較(對照組實行其他康復課程),練習超覺靜坐課程的高度設防監獄囚犯在釋放後 36 個月內重回監獄的比率明顯降低了。註.《罪犯康復期刊》Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 36: 161–180, 2003


R21-Dec-Return-to-Prison-v1加利福尼亞改造中心 (California Department of Corrections)的假釋犯在監獄學習了超覺靜坐課程後,跟對照組比較,顯示釋放後1 年期間或整體 6個月至6年期間,他們再涉及新的刑期減少了。相對的,那些接受監獄教育,職業培訓和輔導課程的成員並沒有得到一貫的效益。註.《刑事司法期刊》Journal of Criminal Justice 15: 211–230, 1987


與對照組比較,學習了超覺靜坐技術的高度設防監獄受刑人表現出憤怒減少了。《罪犯司法與行為》(Criminal Justice and Behavior) 5: 3–20, 1978

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D20-IncrPositivMidEastConfl-v1During the three-week period of the Taste of Utopia Assembly, compared to the three weeks before, there was a significant increase in positive events associated with the Middle East conflict in Lebanon, as principally seen in the rapid evolution of an agreement on a national security plan. In the three weeks after the Assembly the situation quickly deteriorated. Control data from the previous year showed that the specific time of year of the assembly was not associated with improved conditions in this conflict.Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme: Collected Papers (Vol. 4, 1989, pp. 2730–2762)

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D19-Incr-Positiv-Intl-ConflDuring the three-week period of the Taste of Utopia Assembly, compared to the three-week period before the Assembly, the balance of negativity to positivity in events pertaining to international conflicts in the trouble-spot areas of the world shifted significantly towards increased positivity, as indicated by content analysis of the news. In the three-week period after the assembly the balance of events reverted towards the previous condition of increased negativity. Such trends were not found during the same time the previous year.Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme: Collected Papers (Vol. 4, 1989, pp. 2730–2762)

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D18-Decreasd-Terrorism-(GloThere was a significant decrease in fatalities and injuries due to international terrorism during the periods of three assemblies approaching or exceeding 7,000 experts in the TM Sidhi Programme (the square root of one per cent of the world’s population at the time), as indicated by time series analysis of an independent data bank.Ref.Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 36: 283–302, 2003

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D17-Redc-Intl-Conflict-(GloDuring the periods of three assemblies approaching or exceeding 7,000 experts in the TM Sidhi Programme (the square root of one per cent of the world’s population at the time), there was a significant decrease in international conflict worldwide.Ref.Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 36: 283–302, 200

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D16-Soviet-Actions-to-USDuring periods from 1979 to 1986 when the size of a group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme in the United States was larger than 1700, creating the strongest influence of the Maharishi Effect in the United States, there was a significant increase of positivity of actions of the Soviet Union towards the United States. This result, found by time series analysis of an independent data bank, was independent of the effect of US actions towards the Soviet Union.Ref.Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Social Statistics Section, pp. 297–302. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association, 1990

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D15-US-Actions-to-Soviet-UAs indicated by time series analysis of an independent data bank, during periods from 1979 to 1986 when the size of a group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme in the United States was larger than the square root of one per cent of the US population (over 1500 at the time), there was a significant increase in the positivity of actions of the United States towards the Soviet Union, compared to periods when the size of the group was smaller (below 1500).Ref.Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Social Statistics Section, pp. 297–302. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D13-Increased-Progress-PDuring periods in 1983–1985 when sufficiently large groups of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme were established, there was a significant increase in progress towards peace in the Middle East, as measured by an index comprising increased cooperation, reduced level of conflict, reduced war fatalities, and reduced war injuries.Ref.Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 17: 285–338, 2005

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D12-Reduction-of-Armed-Con-v1There was a significant decrease in degree of conflict, war fatalities, and war injuries in the Middle East during periods in 1983–1985 when sufficiently large groups of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme were established.Ref.Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 17: 285–338, 2005

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D11-Reduced-Hostil_Inc-CoopDuring Maharishi’s World Peace Project of October–December 1978, groups of experts in Maharishi’s TM-Sidhi Yogic Flying Programme went to the world’s regional trouble spots in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, southern Africa and Central America. Time series analysis of data from an independent data bank showed that during the peace project there was a significant worldwide decrease in international hostile acts and verbal hostility, and an increase in cooperative events; this global effect was due to the fact that the primary international conflict areas were being influenced locally by the groups of experts in the TM-Sidhi Programme.Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme: Collected Papers, Vol. 4: 2532–2548, 1989

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D10-Red-Region-Confl_Prog-During Maharishi’s World Peace Project of October–December 1978, experts in Maharishi’s TM-Sidhi Programme went to the world’s regional trouble spots in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, southern Africa and Central America to create a calming influence through the group practice of Yogic Flying. During this time period, in comparison to a baseline period prior to the project, analysis of data from an independent data bank showed reduced hostile acts and increased cooperative events in those areas and among nations involved in these conflicts.Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme: Collected Papers, Vol. 4: 2532–2548, 1989

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G18-Imp-Intl-Econ-TrendsDuring the three-week period of an assembly participants in the TM Sidhi Programme, numbering more than the square root of one per cent of the world’s population, international economic trends improved compared to the combined periods before and after the assembly, as measured by the World Index of international stock prices.Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme: Collected Papers, Volume 4: 2730–2762, 1989

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G16-Incr-Natl-Approv-Head-SIncreased approval ratings for the U.S. Head of State were found when a large group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme was established. This effect was replicated during three presidential administrations.Ref.‘Transforming political institutions through individual and collective consciousness: The Maharishi Effect and government’. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., August 1997

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G13-Imp-Behav-Qual-Life_CANDuring periods when the size of a group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme in the USA exceeded the square root of one per cent of the national populations of the USA and Canada together, there was a significant improvement in a comprehensive quality of life index comprising behavioural variables (reduction in the total of homicides, suicides, motor vehicle fatalities, and cigarette consumption), controlling for changes in national economic trends, such as unemployment.Ref.Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association (Alexandria, Virginia: American Statistical Association): 38–43, 1996

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G10-Decreased-Fatalities_Na-v1Weekly fatalities (homicides, suicides, and auto accidents) decreased significantly in the United States and in Canada during periods when the number of group participants in the TM Sidhi Programme exceeded the square root of one per cent of the national populations.Ref.Social Indicators Research 22: 399–418, 1990; Psychological Reports 76: 1171–1193, 1995

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G9-Decr-TF,-CR,-Unem-in-StTime series transfer function analysis indicated that monthly rates of traffic fatalities, crime, and unemployment decreased significantly after a large group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme was established at Maharishi International University (now Maharishi University of Management) in the state of Iowa, USA.Ref. Abstracts International 51(12): 6155B, 1991

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G8-Imp-Qual-Life-in-a-State-v1Quality of life improved in the State of Rhode Island, in comparison to a control state, during periods in which groups of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme were established. Quality of life was measured by improvement in a comprehensive index that includes crime, auto accidents, motor vehicle fatalities, deaths due to other causes, alcoholic beverage consumption, cigarette consumption, unemployment, and pollution.Ref.The Journal of Mind and Behavior  8: 67–104, 1987

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G7-Decr-Crime-in-Capital-D-v1During periods in which large groups of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme were established, crime totals decreased significantly in the Union Territory of Delhi (India) and in Metro Manila (Philippines).Ref.The Journal of Mind and Behavior  8: 67–104, 1987

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G6-Imp-Qual-Life-NationalImproved quality of life, as measured by an index comprising reduced emergency psychiatric calls, reduced trauma, fewer complaints against police, and fewer accidental deaths, was found when a large group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme was established.Ref.‘Transforming political institutions through individual and collective consciousness: The Maharishi Effect and government’. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, August 1997

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G5-Decr-Violent-Crime_NatlViolent crime in Washington, DC decreased significantly when a large group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme was established during an eight-week National Demonstration Project. As the size of the group increased, the reduction of violent crime also increased, reaching a 23% reduction by week 8.Ref.Social Indicators Research 47: 153–201, 1999

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G4-Imp-Qual-City-LifeThe quality of life in Jerusalem, as assessed by an index measuring reduced crime, reduced automobile accidents, and reduced fires, improved immediately during periods when a large group was participating in the TM Sidhi Programme in the city.Ref.Journal of Conflict Resolution 32: 776–812, 1988


G3-Decr-Metro-Crime_Mersey英國的默西塞德郡(Merseyside)大都會區發現,當鄰近社區的超覺靜坐悉諦人數達到大都會總人口的百分之一平方根時,犯罪率便會下降。《心理學、犯罪和法律》(Psychology, Crime, and Law) 2: 165–174, 1996

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G2-Long-trm-Decr-Cr-Rt_Cit-v1Cities in which one per cent of the population were instructed in the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed decreased crime rate trend in subsequent years in contrast to matched control cities.Ref.Journal of Crime and Justice 4: 25–45, 1981

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D21-Impr-Soviet-US-RelatnDuring periods from 1979 to 1986 the size of a group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme in the United States was larger than 1700, creating the strongest influence of the Maharishi Effect in the United States. There was a significant increase of positivity of actions of the Soviet Union towards the United States, as shown by the left bar. The right bar indicates an even greater increase in positive actions of the Soviet Union towards the United States, during the specific periods of several assemblies in North America and in Europe that approached or exceeded the square root of one per cent of the world’s population, about 7,000 at the time. The study, using time series analysis of an independent data bank, the Zürich Project on East-West Relations, confirmed that this influence of increased positivity was independent of the actions of the US towards the Soviet Union and independent of changes in Soviet leadership. In addition, during periods when the size of the group in the United States was sufficient to create the Maharishi Effect in the US, the behaviour of the United States towards the Soviet Union also became more positive.Ref.Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Social Statistics Section, pp. 297–302. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association, 1990. (2) ‘U.S.–Soviet relations and the Maharishi Effect: A time series analysis.’ Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, Social Statistics Section, Atlanta, Georgia, August 1991


R10-Decr-Neurotic-Prison-v1與對照組比較,學習了超覺靜坐技術的高度設防監獄受刑人的神經質行為降低。註.《罪犯司法與行為》Criminal Justice and Behavior 5: 3–20, 1978