How did Maharishi discovered TM ?

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香港西營盤超覺靜坐中心 05月07日 時間 下午 7點30分 和 05月09日 時間 下午 8點00分


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Qualities of the Unified Field of Consciousness

Here are some of the qualities of the “ocean”, the universal field of consciousness at the source of our thoughts that we directly experience when we transcend. These qualities are more and more enlivened in our daily life with regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique.

1. Life, self-awareness, intelligence and creativity  

Logic tells us that no matter how many dead things you put together, they will not create life, but a living creature can however create material things with his creativity and intelligence.

According to current thinking, life is created by various material processes. According to this new position, life lies at the basis of all material processes. Logic tells us that no matter how many dead things you put together, they will not create life, but a living creature can however create material things with his creativity and intelligence, like a sculptor who creates a statue. The field at the base of the creation, which today is described as the Unified Field by physics, is a field of self-consciousness, infinite creativity and intelligence. These qualities are reflected through the human nervous system, so that we have the qualities of self-awareness, creativity and intelligence.

If we contact this source of life through the Transcendental Meditation technique, we become livelier. TM is the most successful method ever researched to improve health, intelligence, creativity and self-awareness because those qualities just grow spontaneously as we are going to experience the source directly. TM practitioners also become significantly younger the longer they practice the technique.

2. Connectedness

A robot can’t feel a connection with his environment. Man does, because we are effectively connected with each other at the source of our consciousness

At the level of the ocean, everything is connected to each other. This is the reality of fields. If one transmits a radio signal at a given point, then this radio signal can be received at each point around it, and even at all points at the same time, because each point is connected to all other points.

We experience that connection with each other when we talk about love. Love is a feeling of connectedness. Generally we experience this connectedness most strongly with people with whom we are effectively connected in daily life: family, friends, relations, but sometimes that sense of connectedness goes much further. Why do we sometimes send money to help people in a natural disaster on the other side of the world? A robot would never do this. We have absolutely no contact with these people, and yet we feel connected to them somehow.

If this quality of connectedness, grows we feel more solidarity and more love in our direct relationships, for others and in our relationship with Nature. This growing sense eventually leads to a sense of oneness with everything and everyone. As these qualities grow, it becomes harder and harder to still hurt fellow human beings (or nature ), because it feels like hurting yourself. It feels as dumb as using a hammer to hit you own fingers. A world of violence, corruption and pollution would simply be virtually impossible if everyone would regularly have this experience.

The great teachers throughout the centuries talked about unconditional love (and also demonstrated this themselves) . Transcendental Meditation fulfills this teaching in a very practical way. Unconditional love comes automatically with a growing sense of belonging and unity.

The experience of this field where everything is interconnected has an effect on the brain that can be measured accurately.

The experience of this level where everything is interconnected has an effect on the brain that can be accurately measured these days by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and electroencephalogram (EEG). The different parts of the brain will function more in unity, they become literally more connected with each other, which has a measurable effect on intelligence. This is why with TM, we can measure a growth in intelligence and creativity that is considered virtually impossible  (see brains).

3 The pure good, happiness

On the everyday level of life, we speak of contradictions. Any quality is defined in relation to its opposite: hot-cold, love-hate, happiness-sadness. As long as the mind functions only at this level, it is carried away by external circumstances. If those circumstances are right, we feel good, if they are not right, we feel bad. At the level of the ocean, the unified field, one speaks of unity. There, all contradictions disappear and only one quality remains. Ancient Vedic texts described this as “pure good”, a purely positive quality. Plato also spoke of “the good”. The pure good is generally a quality used to describe the “divine”.

At this level, there is only the pure good, what we experience as growth, peace and internal happiness

It’s this pure positive quality that makes everything in life grow and evolve. Even though this growth passes through several cycles (rest and activity, life and death, etc ), the final result is always growth. Life and growth go together. This is why it is natural to always want more and better. The mind knows that stagnation and life don’t go together.

We experience this quality of pure positivity as bliss. The mind is always looking for happiness in whatever we do, because this is its true nature. But by always being focused outward, and by trying to find happiness in external circumstances, we cut ourselves off from an infinite reservoir of happiness within us. However, if we give the mind a chance to regularly experience its true nature, then this quality of bliss will grow in daily life as well, until we reach a state where we feel inner happiness, independent of the external circumstances, 24/7. This is a state of true inner freedom. This is the real potential of a life with a human nervous system.

A state where all opposites merge into unity is also a state of perfect inner peace. Conflicts come from opposites. When they disappear, so does every conflict.

You can’t fight the darkness, you can only turn on the light

If everyone would experience this state frequently there is no reason why there should be anything negative in our society. This may sound utopian, but ultimately negative is just a lack of positive, dark only a lack of light. The reason why it may sometimes seem quite dark is because we have forgotten how to turn on the light. We have forgotten how to enliven the positive, how we can go back to the source of all positive. Maharishi always said “you can not fight the darkness, you can only bring the light.”And as we light the light in ourselves, we also enlighten the environment around us, as shown by the research mentioned on this site.

4. Omniscient

Everyone has already experienced that sometimes there’s a level where we know a lot more than our superficial, conscious mind.

At the level of the ocean, the level where everything is interconnected, everything is also known. Whenever we get a gut feeling, or be amazed at the “magic ” gifts of some psychic who seems to know things that no one else knows, we get a glimpse of this reality. Everyone has already experienced this in their own way, but because we can not explain it with the current theory about the mind, it is generally dismissed as quackery.

People that begin to experience this reality regularly as they learn the Transcendental Meditation technique, notice changes that go far beyond just a better intuition. They find that they spontaneously get more and more of the right thoughts at the right time. It’s like a cosmic supercomputer knowing all the consequences of all possible thoughts in advance can calculate and then picks out the most positive in line with its purely evolutionary nature. A TM practitioner does not try to get the right ideas at the right time. They just come spontaneously. The result is more success in life, in all areas.

5. Infinite organizing power

If everything is created from this Unified Field, then this means that this field should have an infinite organizing power. The motion of every atom and every event in nature is organized in a very intelligent way, according to certain laws that we call natural laws. This field can create everything from itself and coordinate everything from that level of consciousness, the level of the mind.

Everyone influences the entire cosmos with every thought he has, but usually that influence is so weak that we do not notice the difference in everyday life.

There are thousands of self-help books that talk about the power of thought, and the importance of positive thinking. We create our own reality, so they say. There are even different high quality scientific studies that show that people can influence physical events with the power of their mind. The effect is there, and it is statistically very significant, but it is very small, not enough to really make a practical difference. Given that most of us only use a very small part of our real mental power, we hardly notice the power of our thoughts in daily life. A thought on the most superficial level of the mind is like trying to throw a rock into a lake from a very great distance. One can only have a very small rock and create tiny waves on the water. But if one would come closer to the lake, than one can throw a much larger stone, creating a much stronger effect. It has been noticed in several research studies that an influence from deeper levels of our (sub) consciousness can be much stronger.

People who learn the Transcendental Meditation technique find that their minds get more support from nature. They wish for something, and suddenly it seems so that all circumstances are cooperating to make that wish come true. In religious terms, one could say that it is just as if the ” will of God ” supports the desire. There is an advanced Transcendental Meditation technique, which has the specific purpose to strengthen the power of thought called the TM Sidhi Programme.

6. Invincibility

Maharishi often used the word invincibility to describe the real potential of human life. As all the qualities of the unified field, or ocean, become more and more present in a person, then less and less can bring this person out of balance. Inner happiness becomes invincible: no external event can influence it any more. Self-consciousness becomes invincible: we remain ourselves and nothing can overshadow us. Creativity becomes invincible: we can always find a perfect, creative solution to any problem. In addition, all circumstances will contribute to bring the solution to fulfillment.

People start the Transcendental Meditation technique for different reasons: for health reasons or because they want to feel better or to have self-confidence. All these things do improve, but they are really just side-benefits of what is really happening. If the qualities of the source of life become more enlivened in the mind, then all aspects of life improve, one becomes more and more invincible. When one talks about higher states of consciousness or enlightenment, this is what is meant, a state of invincibility.

We usually describe a “divine” reality with the words ” love, omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence. These are exactly the qualities one enlivens with TM step by step.

When we talk about a divine reality, then we usually describe it with words such as pure love on one hand and omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence on the other hand. These are indeed the qualities of this field on the basis of our individual consciousness. By going to the source of our thoughts, we start experiencing this field as our true inner nature. We can therefore start to say in a more scientific way that we come into contact with something higher, something divine. It is very difficult to explain the spectacular effects of Transcendental Meditation if one looks at the technique as a relaxation technique, but if we understand what it really is, a way to bring us back in touch with our true inner, divine nature, then it starts to sound more logical that we become smarter, younger, healthier, more confident, more loving and more successful. Then it sounds much more logical that an alcoholic or drug addict no longer needs his fix, or that there are 90% fewer cases of cardio-vascular disease. Then it can even begin to sound logical that something is beginning to fundamentally change in the environment.

For clarity, Transcendental Meditation is not a religion, because there is no question of worshiping a deity. Religions are linked to cultures, and each culture has its own way to worship the higher consciousness. But different cultures also have things in common, and these things are described by science. Gravity works equally for people from different religions. It works equally well whether you believe in it or not. Transcendental Meditation is at this level. It works equally well for people from different religions. It works equally well whether you believe in it or not. It is that aspect of every religion that has been lost over time. This is why thousands of TM practitioners of all religions around the world found that TM has brought them closer to their own religion.

Can we really talk about a scientific reality here?

超覺 = 更加放鬆


  1. 一種深度的休息狀態:比一般的放鬆更深層。
  2. 內在的快樂感:壓力荷爾蒙明顯減少,快樂荷爾蒙增加。
  3. 全腦發展:透過腦波儀(EEG)可測量到腦波的頻率達到一致的協調性。


超覺 = 深度休息







cnn story


由於效果如此宏大,CNN還特別在「美國退伍軍人日」(US Veteran’s Day)節目裡加以報導。(觀看 CNN 影片)   本研究再次確認,早在25年前對越戰退伍軍人進行過之研究結果的真確性。








超覺 = 可測量的大腦發展

超覺靜坐不但對健康及整體身心健康有益、可提高自我價值感、促進人際關係,而且還能開發大腦。就連被認為已完全發展的成人大腦,也可繼續得到開發。這麼簡單的內在體驗,是如何以一種被認為是不可能的方式對大腦產生影響(例如:改善注意力不足過動症、成人智力和創造力都提高)的呢?對此我們需要稍加說明。(詳 超覺 = 人類經驗的最高境界 )



超覺基本上是對合一性的體驗。(詳 超覺 = 人類經驗的最高境界 ) 我們可以在大腦中直接測量到此一體驗。在以下的影片中,可看到超覺靜坐練習時,電腦即時顯示的腦電波協調性升至最高的情形。

一個人越能體驗到大腦腦電波的高度協調性,他的大腦便越能充份運用。到最後,即便是在超覺靜坐練習之外的時間,腦電波的高度協調性依舊維持著。較高的腦電波協調性與較高的智商、較高的創造力、更穩定的情緒、更佳的反應力,以及更好的道德推理等能力有關。(詳 超覺 = 開發大腦 )







前往以下這些聯結,您可以獲得更多資料,包括:超覺靜坐是什麼和它如何奏效 以及 如何學習 。不過,第一步是去參加一場免費的介紹講座,進一步深入瞭解。在全球各大城市都有老師定期舉辦免費介紹講座(詳 免費介紹講座的日期和地點 ) 參加介紹講座,便能獲得更詳細的資訊,瞭解超覺靜坐技術是如何奏效的。還有,您可以期待什麼樣的收穫,所有的問題都會獲得解答,有助於您決定是否要展開學習。


我們進行了一項隨機分配的試點研究,對象是 18 位 11–14 歲注意力不足過動症的學生,探討超覺靜坐對學生們的任務績效和大腦運作的效益。學生們進行研究前先做測試,然後隨機被選為第1組學習超覺靜坐組或第2組延遲學習的控制組,3–6 個月後,進行後期測試。延遲學習的學生在3 個月後進行後期測試,然後才學習超覺靜坐。第一組練習3個月超覺靜坐後,theta/beta 的比率明顯下降, theta 協調性提高,alpha 和 beta 1 的協調性也都趨向高點,以及字母的流暢性也提高了。在6個月後的後期測試中,第2組延遲學習組在練習了3個月的超覺靜坐後,同樣的,他們的 theta/beta 的比率下降以及字母流暢性提高了。還有,通過家長調查的報導,在這 6 個月的研究中,全體學生的 5 項 注意力不足過動症的症狀都得到改進。

姬蒂‧佩芮對兩千五百萬粉絲說:支持 TM






Exceptional results confirmed by exceptional studies

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), the health institute of the American government, and the largest medical research institute in the world, has spent over $24 million USD over the last 20 years in support of research on Transcendental Meditation, for one simple reason: It is the only alternative method that works.

A recent randomised, controlled study among 123 patients with very high blood pressure (179/104 mm Hg for example) found a decrease of 10.7/6.4 mm Hg after only 3 months among TM practitioners. The control group received health education information, but showed no decrease.

H37-BP-Meta-AnalysisAnother large-scale comparative study of the NIH, that compared all alternative methods to each other, demonstrated that Transcendental Meditation was the only method that could trigger a significant decrease in blood pressure (p=.0002). Other meditation or relaxation techniques showed no significant effect (click on the graph to enlarge it).

These studies have led to a publication from the American Heart Association recommending TM, as the only effective meditation technique for clinical treatment of high blood pressure.

An effect on blood pressure…with positive side effects

Medication can lower blood pressure, but often comes with all kinds of unpleasant side effects. In TM practitioners the decrease in blood pressure is in many cases similar to or even greater than that achieved through medication, but in itself even is just a side effect of a much deeper change that occurs when one activates the body’s own healing power. Ultimately everything improves simultaneously when we learn to find ourself: all aspects of health, happiness, our brain development, our self-confidence and our relationships with others.

In this video Dr. Oz, the world’s most famous heart surgeon, known to us through the Dr. Oz show on Vitaya, describes the effects of TM on blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and general heart problems.

Transcending = an exceptional deep state of rest

When the mind comes to a full state of rest in a completely natural manner, the body also comes to a very deep state of rest, much deeper than sleep. Scientists are able to objectively confirm this.

sleepThis graph, from a study at Harvard University, shows that during TM practice almost instantly a state of physical relaxation is reached that is much deeper than even the deepest rest during sleep.

It is this state of deep rest that activates the body’s inner power to heal itself.

We all know that relaxation really is “de-tensing”, a state in which the body naturally relaxes its tensions. The body can eliminate the deepest tensions it may have, even traumatic stress, as long as the state of rest is deep enough. This has an instant effect on blood pressure.

Here is a video that will allow you to discover why more and more scientists, teachers, celebrities and government support the TM technique.

How does Transcendental Meditation work?

Real meditation is effortless and pleasant, can be learned by anyone, and offers instant results.

David-Lynch-Russell-BrandWhen one thinks about “meditation”, one usually thinks of the manipulation of the mind to come to a state of inner peace, through a form of concentration (on a sound, a visual point, breathing, or “being in the now”). However, this goes against the spirit’s nature, requires disciplined practice, and is fundamentally ineffective to bring the mind to silence, because the more one attempts to silence the mind, the more the mind is kept active.

The Transcendental Meditation technique is taught entirely personally by a professionally trained teacher that is able to guide anyone to a state of total silence in a fully natural manner. Once this has been experienced it will be engraved in the memory and the spirit will fully spontaneously return to it, in a fully natural and effortless manner, on the condition that the correct technique is employed. This technique is explained step by step, 4 days in a row, followed by an extensive programme to ensure the correct practice of it.

How TM works: Learn more

How can such a simple technique have such profound effects on all areas of life? Discover what exactly transcending is, and how it can easily be reached in a simple, effortless manner.

Transcending = Being Yourself
Transcending = Deep relaxation
Transcending = Inner peace and happiness
Transcending = In contact with our true selves







In 在巴西,教育局甚至決定把超覺靜坐納入成為全國 38,000 所公立學校的教育課程裡標準部分。在未來幾年,將會有大約 3千萬學生學習超覺靜坐。在墨西哥和美國三藩市,教育部門也在支持學校實行TM 教育。



休•傑克曼: 超覺靜坐改變了我的人生

休·傑克曼(Hugh Jackman)最近在英國版的《哈芬登郵報》(The Huffington Post)接受歐普拉·溫芙蕾(Oprah Winfrey)訪問談到超覺靜坐在他私人與專業生活中所扮演的重要角色。他說:「靜坐改變了我的人生。」

hugh jackman 「從來沒有任何事物像超覺靜坐那樣打開我的眼界。它讓我感到平靜,快樂。它讓我的喧鬧生活中獲得些許詳和與寧靜!」





在這段接受奧茲醫生(Dr. Oz)的訪談中,歐普拉(Oprah Winfrey)談到她如何學習超覺靜坐,和她出資讓名下公司所有四百名員工學習超覺靜坐,以及超覺靜坐帶來的種種改變。


歐普拉在拍攝美國愛荷華州費爾菲市(Fairfield, Iowa)的超覺靜坐社區記錄片時首次接觸到超覺靜坐。在這部四十五分鐘的記錄片中,興致高昂的歐普拉對整個社區很明顯感到萬分佩服,包括該市著名的超低犯罪率、瑪赫西學校的卓越成就、先進的綠化環保技術、健康生活模式的熱情追求、健康飲食、健全的房屋設計,以及卓越的創業家精神。費爾菲市被選為全美最成功的小型創業社區之一。


美國心臟協會: TM 真棒!

aha美國心臟協會不久前發表了一項結論,對醫師說明TM 對於減低高血壓有很好的效益,醫師可以開方讓超覺靜坐技術成為高血壓病人的臨床治療。其他靜坐技術如正念靜坐都沒有被建議,因為缺少足夠的效益證明。

大衛‧連治: 真正的快樂就在內心

過去幾年來,大衛·連治(David Lynch)比任何人更積極投入介紹超覺靜坐技術給廣泛大眾。他練習超覺靜坐已逾37年,他說他從未錯過任何一次靜坐。他把自己具傳奇性的創造力歸功於練習超覺靜坐。幾年前,他出席一場在愛荷華州費爾菲市瑪赫西學校的戲劇表演,學生的演出讓他十分刮目相看,便決定投注畢生精力提供更多學生機會發揮他們的創意潛力。2005年,他成立了《大衛·連治基金會》,提供財務支援給那些極需要的人學習超覺靜坐技術。自此之後,該基金會將超覺靜坐帶給全世界二十五萬名學生,戰後退伍軍人,監獄犯人以及飽受創傷後壓力症候群困擾人士。


保羅‧麥卡尼: 超覺靜坐是一份「終身禮物」

《披頭四合唱團》(Beatles)是有史以來最出名的超覺靜坐靜友。四十五年之後,他們仍持續靜坐並公開支持超覺靜坐。在大衛·林區基金會的慈善音樂會的記者招待會上,保羅·麥卡尼(Paul McCartney)與林哥‧史塔(Ringo Starr)久違多年首度同台表演。保羅說:





奇連·伊士活 : 練習超覺靜坐四十年

著名演員,製片,作曲家以及電影工作者奇連·伊士活(Clint Eastwood)已忠實練習超覺靜坐技術長達四十多年。他的無限精力與創意讓年歲已高的他至今仍不斷獲得奧斯卡金像獎提名。他是超覺靜坐能為長期練習者帶來哪些好處的絕佳見證者。他在大衛·連治基金會成立時拍攝的一段影片中談到超覺靜坐技術的許多好處。

《戰士身心健康行動》(Operation Warrior Wellness)是為全美一萬名飽受創傷後壓力症候群之苦的退伍軍人提供的超覺靜坐教學項目。(詳見:創傷後壓力症候群


在2010年4月17日《時代雜誌》的一篇新聞訪談中,英國外交大臣威廉·海格(William Hague )透露他已練習超覺靜坐三十多年。他說每天總會在忙碌事程中騰出兩段二十分鐘進行靜坐,他的理由非常實際:「靜坐讓我沉靜下來,我頭痛機率變少了,睡眠品質變得更好。」


姬蒂‧佩芮: 超覺靜坐是為我的人生帶來更多創意,正面能量與寧靜的最佳方法

katy姬蒂‧佩芮(Katy Perry)的事業如日中天。2011年,她是第一個打破麥可‧傑克森同張專輯五首冠軍暢銷曲記錄的歌手。去年生日時,她給兩千五百萬粉絲發出推特發文呼籲他們支持《大衛·林區基金會》。





四十多年前,喬治·盧卡斯(George Lucas )學習了超覺靜坐。網路上傳聞他的電影星際大戰系列裡的「原力」(The Force)靈感來自瑪赫西的「智能科學」(Science of Creative Intelligence),這是超覺靜坐技術的理論性背景(在此亦可解釋為深入接觸個人的超我)。喬治·盧卡斯最近出棉全力支持大衛·林區基金會的成立。他的教育烏托邦計畫(Edutopia)(喬治·盧卡斯教育基金會)網站最近推出一段影片描述超覺靜坐在舊金山一所學校推動「安靜時間」 (Quiet Time)的卓越成效。詳情請看超覺靜坐教育烏托邦影片




傑利‧塞恩佛(Jerry Seinfeld)是美國最受歡迎喜劇演員之一,他已練習超覺靜坐將近四十年。




莫比(Moby )在《大衛‧林區基金會》記者會上談論超覺靜坐。


這段娛樂性十足的影片是知名搞怪喜劇演員羅素·布蘭德(Russell Brand )最近在《大衛·林區基金會》慈善晚會上擔任主持人的實況。羅素·布蘭德以他不按牌理出牌方式侃侃而談超覺靜坐。



剛學習超覺靜坐的葛妮絲·派特(Gwenneth Paltrow)近日在她的網站上宣佈將出售她的大部分服飾衣著。目的在於支持《大衛‧林區基金會》,支持超覺靜坐在教育領域的宣導推動。




馬丁·史柯西斯(Martin Scorcese )是當代最負盛名的電影導演之一。史柯西斯先生幾年前學習了超覺靜坐,因個人體驗結果良好,現在經常公開支持這項靜坐技術。這段為《大衛‧林區基金會》協助退伍軍人克服創傷後壓力症候群錄製的推廣影片便是他的見證。



艾倫·狄珍妮(Ellen Degeneres )是繼歐普拉·溫芙蕾之後,全美最知名的談話性節目主持人。在這段影片中,她在大衛‧林區基金會慈善晚會中的一席演講談到她練習超覺靜坐的體驗,以及她為何如此喜歡超覺靜坐。


Rupert Murdoch媒體大亨魯柏特‧梅鐸(Rupert Murdoch)是全球首富兼具影響力人士之一。他最近在推特寫道:「我正在學習超覺靜坐。每個人都推薦。剛開始並不容易,但聽說生命中所有層面都將獲得改善!」



Dr Oz根治壓力肇因,所有後遺症將隨之消失蹤影,甚至包括心血管疾病。

梅麥特奧茲醫生(Dr. Mehmet Oz )在醫療保健方面影響至深,2008年《時代雜誌》將他名列為全球一百名最具影響力人士的第四十四位。他在紐約一家著名醫院擔任心臟科主任,撰寫過許多專業書籍,目前主持一個在全球各地播送的電視節目。



Faster growth of creativity among students

In Taiwan 362 secondary school students were randomly divided into 4 groups, a TM group and 3 control groups. The 3 control groups included: 1) a resting group, 2) a group practicing contemplation meditation, and 3) a group which received no specific attention. After 6 to 12 months the TM group showed a significant improvement in 5 different scales of intellectual capability, including a scale for “whole brain creativity” as compared to the 3 control groups. The difference in growth was so significant and so consistent that the probability of chance was 1 in 1.2 billion p=.0000000008. (what is a p-value?) The TM students also showed a significant decrease in stress symptoms.

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現任巴西總統狄爾瑪·羅塞夫(Dilma Rousseff )是一位熱愛超覺靜坐的靜友。她並且將靜坐推薦給民眾。她曾經說過:「我透過跑步讓我的身體保持健康,我透過超覺靜坐保持心靈健康。」



莉芙‧泰勒(Liv Tyler )約一年前開始超覺靜坐。自此之後便非常熱中支持《大衛·林區基金會》的活動。



從2008年到2010年的模特兒網站,瑞卡兒·齊默曼(Raquel Zimmerman )一直穩坐全球頂尖名模第一名寶座。目前她是「名模史」名單上的第十四位世界名模。她和她丈夫住在紐約。在這段影片中,她談到練習超覺靜坐所獲得的好處,還有她支持《大衛·林區基金會》的理由。



雪瑞兒·可洛(Sheryl Crow )已練習超覺靜坐許多年。她參加《大衛·林區基金會》慈善音樂會表演,該表演旨在將超覺靜坐帶給一百萬名在校年輕學子。在這段影片中,她將解釋為何要這麼做。

3000 名佛教和尚學習 TM

很多靜坐形式都是由佛教發起的。但是在東方,很多佛教專家都練習超覺靜坐。東南亞的 100 所寺院裡,有超過 3,000 名和尚學習超覺靜坐技術。他們都很享受TM 簡單容易的技術,以及它所帶來的深切好處。

TM: 泰國佛教學校成功的秘訣

Thaland-Students-300x199泰國有一所佛教寄宿學校(The Dhammajarine e Witthaya Free School ),成立以提供一個機會給貧窮家庭孩子受良好的教育。數年前,學校推行超覺靜坐並將它納入成為課程的一部分。因而有超過400名學生學習了TM 技術,同時察覺到超覺靜坐在他們生命中所帶來的效益。其中很多孩子都有暴力和性虐待的背景。他們敘述TM 如何幫助他們克服創傷經歷。 觀看影片 Watch the video.

CNN: TM 征服創傷後壓力症候群

cnn story美國電視新聞網 CNN 最近發表一項報告 (觀看CNN 影片watch the CNN video),討論超覺靜坐對嚴重創傷壓力的效益。報導TM 在治療退伍軍人克服創傷非常有效。美國老兵事務部門 (American Department of Veterans Affairs)因此發放250 萬美元給諾維奇 (Norwich),美國最古老的軍校,以支持更進一步的超覺靜坐科研。現在,TM 已經成為老軍校的標準訓練部分。

時代雜誌: TM 對心臟很好

11月14日,時代雜誌網絡版(Time Magazine) 發表了一篇文章,有關一項和美國國立衛生研究院 (NIH) 合作的卓越研究。這項研究跟進 201 名心臟病者長達 5 年。與對照組比較,研究發現練習超覺靜坐組的心臟發作,中風和死亡事件的發生少過 48% 。靜坐者越規律靜坐,效益越大。「不規律靜坐組顯示下降率43%,規律靜坐組顯示下降率61%」。 閱讀完整文章 full Time article

姬蒂‧佩芮對兩千五百萬粉絲說:支持 TM


《大衛·林區基金會》的目標是讓最需要超覺靜坐技術的人都學到。姬蒂已練習超覺靜坐兩年多了,她說它是她一生中做過最棒的事,靜坐為她的人生帶來更多創意,正面能量與寧靜。  … Read more…


The list of celebrities that practice Transcendental Meditation is long, very long. Most practice for themselves, in their private life, and the TM organisation therefore respects their privacy. However, more and more celebrities are happy to speak out in public about their practice. You can see some of them in the right-hand side menu bar.


oprah-fairfield-300x205在歐普拉節目播出有關美國愛荷華州費爾菲市的超覺靜坐社區記錄片後,五天之內,美國TM 網站有超過 200,000 名拜訪者。在這部四十五分鐘記錄片中,興致高昂的歐普拉對整個社區很明顯感到萬分佩服,包括該市著名的超低犯罪率,瑪赫西學校的卓越成就,先進的綠化環保技術,健康生活模式的熱情追求,健康飲食,健全房屋設計,以及卓越的創業家精神。費爾菲市被選為全美最成功的小型創業社區之一。

List of competitions won by Maharishi School of Age of Enlightenment

The State of Iowa has the highest average education level in the whole of the U.S. Winning a State Competition against 391 other high school is therefore anything but easy. Nevertheless the Maharishi School has won more than 120 of such competitions over the last 15 years, as well as some national and even global competitions.

Creativity: 56x state championships won in “creative problem solving” competitions, such as Destination ImagiNation and Odyssey of the Mind. (record in Iowa)

World record: 4x Destination ImagiNation wereldfinales won, and more listings in the top 10 than any other school in the world.

Mathematics: 4 years in a row first place in the American High School Math Exam, Iowa

History: 5x Iowa State History Fair, Senior Division won

Science: 10x senior division of the Eastern Iowa or Hawkeye state science fairs won

8x grand champion awards in junior division of the Eastern Iowa Science and Engineering Fair

Electronics: 1x Tech Challenge Iowa in robotics won.

Spelling : 2x Iowa state spelling bee won

Performance and theater: 15x Critic’s Choice State Banner Awards for speech. (record in Iowa)

National Champion: Bravo Cable Channel High School Theater Competition

Arts: 3x in a row National Congressional Art Competition, “An Artistic Discovery,” won (record in Iowa)

Poetry: 1x Iowa Poetry Association’s high school contest won

Writing: 1x Iowa “Young Writer of the Year” award

Chess:1x Iowa Junior Chess Championship

Photography:1x Iowa Educational Media Association won

International champion: Photo Imaging Education

Association competition


Tennis: 16x boys state tennis championships won

1x girls state singles tennis won

Tennis Triple Crown (boys, girls, double) 2 years in a row won (record in Iowa)

Sprint:  800 meter sprinting time boys, record time in Iowa.

Golf: 2x state championship won (team and individual)


拉奎爾‧齊默爾曼: 超覺靜坐於服裝界頂尖


德國巴西籍超模拉奎爾‧齊默爾曼叱吒頂尖服裝界好幾年。於近期影片 recent video, 她表現得非常自然,沒有化妝,述說關於超覺靜坐給她帶來內在美,更有條理的思維,停止吸煙,和更享受生活。